Accessible on mobile devices, the LC Portal features custom inquiry screens for account status, payment history, maintenance records, as well as online payments, real-time reporting and access to critical documents.
Allow your customers make payments
Allow your customers to check balances, payment history, and view statements online
Provide a 24x7 support presence with no additional staffing
Securely deliver invoices, letters, and other reports to your customers
Customize the fields and user interface with no additional programming costs
The LC Portal allows new and existing customers to seamlessly and securely self-register an account.
LCÂ Portal is readily available across all mobile devices. All screens available on the desktop are available on mobile devices with full functionality.
The LC Portal allows you to fully customize the Summary Page to quickly convey important data for your customers.
Allows you to customize a snapshot of all active contracts your customers have.
When a contract is selected from the Contracts list or elsewhere on the site, the user is taken to a detail page showing information on the Contract record.
This page is fully customizable, allowing you to show only the information you want exposed to your customers.
Allows your customers to request a payoff quote either via email or by requesting a quote directly from your LeaseComplete system.
The payoff quote is determined in a manner consistent with the LeaseComplete Lease Termination Screen, including any customized penalty calculations you may have installed.
Allows you to customize a snapshot and details of assets your customers have.
LC Portal shows a comprehensive list of all payments the customer has made across all contracts.
Allows a customer to submit a payment for review directly into LeaseComplete.
Allows visibility of insurance policies for the customer.
Provides a repair and service tracking tool for your customers.
When a PM Plan is selected from the list provided, the user may view a history of services performed on the Asset under the given Maintenance Plan.
Provides a list of real-time statements, forms and reports that you can customize for your customer.
The LC Portal allows you to determine which documents your customers can view on demand.